Світ підтримує Грузію

Україна (Київ), 11 серпня 2008 р. - UKRAINE, Kiev : People demonstrate against the armed conflict in Georgia in front of the Russian embassy in Kiev on August 11, 2008. The conflict has already forced about 40,000 people from their homes in areas around the conflict zone, an International Committee of the Red Cross spokeswoman told AFP. Sign reads: "Stop Russian Aggression."

Литва, 12 серпня 2008 р. - Пікет у падтрымку Грузіі каля расейскай амбасады ў Вільні

Литва, 14 серпня 2008 р. - A participant (C) composes the Be2gether festival's record-breaking drum fiesta near the Vilnius city hall, on August 14, 2008 to support Georgia. Musicians, artists, actors and the several hundred drummers who gather together used percussion instruments to make a musical statement, Georgia2gether, and to express their position on the war which has begun in Georgia. AFP PHOTO/PETRAS MALUKAS

США (Вашингтон), 15 серпня 2008 р. - Washington-Protest against Russian occupation in Georgia. Protest was held by Georgian community and was supported by Polish, Ukrainian, Azerbaijan communities in USA.

Румунія (під час футбольного матчу), 20 серпня 2008 р.

Чехія, 21 серпня 2008 р. - epa01460589 Georgian supporters protest against the Russian army in Georgia near a man in Soviet uniform sitting on a historical tank near Prague's national museum during an exhibition for the 40. commemoration of the Prague Spring in Prague, Czech Republic on 21 August 2008. The Czech Republic commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Soviet-led invasion into then Czechoslovakia. EPA/FILIP SINGER

Росія, 25 серпня 2008 р. - Russia -- meeting against war in Georgia, Moscow, 25Aug2008

Росія, 25 серпня 2008 р. - Russia -- meeting against war in Georgia, Moscow, 25Aug2008

Росія, 25 серпня 2008 р. - Russia -- meeting against war in Georgia, Moscow, 25Aug2008

Бельгія, 1 вересня 2008 р. - BELGIUM - GEORGIA - RUSSIA - EU - SUMMIT
BELGIUM, Brussels : Georgians demonstrate in front of EU headquarters ahead of an emergency European summit on Georgia's conflict with Russia on September 1, 2008 in Brussels. Tens of thousands of people were expected to rally across Georgia and in European cities as EU leaders meet for an emergency summit on the ex-Soviet republic's conflict with Russia. AFP PHOTO / JOHN THYS

Азербайджан, 1 вересня 2008 р.

Ізраїль, 1 вересня 208 р.

Велика Британія, 1 вересня 2008 р. - About 150 demonstrators waving the red and white Georgian flag gathered in London's Trafalgar Square on Monday and formed a human chain in protest against Russia's military activities in their country. A line of protesters, many of them also wearing t-shirts bearing the ex-Soviet republic's flag, shouted "Long Live Georgia!" in a demonstration timed to coincide with an emergency summit of European Union leaders on the crisis in Brussels.

Україна, 2 вересня 2008 р.